The Power of Self-Healing
We are all interested in knowing who we are and the purpose of our lives. Our healing gives us the opportunity to understand ourselves better and therefore achieve better health. When we take more responsibility for our healing, we can expand more our levels of knowledge and welfare.
During the journey you will take upon reading my book, you will find the opportunity to share with me my sincere wishes to find a better welfare for ourselves, as human beings, and the universe in general.
I was born in Surata, Colombia. I finished my medical studies at the medical school of the Universidad del Valle and University Hospital in Cali, Colombia; the Lutheran Medical Center in Cleveland; and the Charity Hospital of New Orleans, Tulane Division, where I did my specialization in obstetrics and gynecology.
Through my human experience, I have been in different places and at different times, but in the deepest core of my being, there has always been a need for a better relationship with myself and with my outer world.
I have always wanted to vividly live more consciously, my knowledge and my experience of holistic medicine as integral as a hologram. My relationship with nature, my sports, among others, and the need to live in a family that is increasingly healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well have been the key drivers of my enigmas and dilemmas in finding my self healing. Let us create more hope.
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El poder de nuestra cicatrización
Todos estamos interesados en conocer quiénes somos y el propósito de nuestras vidas. Nuestra cicatrización nos da la oportunidad de entendernos más a nosotros mismos y por consiguiente la de conseguir mejor salud. Cuando tomamos más RESPONSABILIDAD por nuestra cicatrización, podemos ampliar nuestros niveles de conocimiento y de bienestar.
Durante la travesía que ustedes llevaran a cabo en la lectura de mi libro, encontraran la oportunidad de compartir conmigo, mis sinceros deseos de como encontrar un mejor bienestar para nosotros mismos, nuestros semejantes y el universo en general.
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Consciously Healing our Webs of Health, Wellbeing, Success and Abundance
My interest has always been to search for self-improvement. If we take responsibility for ourselves, we can create better realities. In my previous book “The Power of Self-Healing”, my attention was directed towards the healing of our physical, emotional, and spiritual self. In this book, I expand the possibilities of our healing and I pay more attention to our power and the empowerment that we can provide to ourselves to find richer realities. We live in the duality, and our attention and our intention are constantly searching the negative and the positive. By releasing the heaviness of the negativity and allowing the light and the beauty of our positive webs to shine through, we can live our present more fully and expect in our future more health, wellbeing, success, and abundance. Pleasure, success, security, and much more is always available and within the reach of our hands.
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